今 話題沸騰中の大人気ビールテイスト飲料【アサヒ ビアリー】 | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

Asahi Biery, the most popular beer-tasting beverage that is currently the talk of the town.

Asahi Beerly is a microalcoholic (beer-tasting beverage) with an alcohol content of 0.51 TP3T that allows you to enjoy the authentic taste of beer, which is now a hot topic, freely according to the occasion and pace.

The delicious taste and richness of barley, which can only be achieved with 100% beer-derived ingredients, is realized through a process that removes as much of the alcohol content as possible after brewing. You can enjoy the pleasant and relaxing feeling brought about by the barley flavor and full-bodied taste.

In addition to these products, non-alcoholic beer [Asahi Dry Zero] 450 yen (495 yen including tax) and
Non-alcoholic Lemon Sour Taste 380 yen (418 yen including tax), etc.

Please enjoy it as an accompaniment to your meal!

Due to the state of emergency declared, alcohol is not available at this time, but this is available.
 Please refrain from drinking alcohol.